Benefits of Guild Membership
Attend stimulating educational programs on quilting
Join member activities such as Quilting Friends, Round Robin, Raffle Quilt, and Challenge Quilt
Receive periodic emails with Guild news and regional events
Check out our books and DVDs on all aspects of quilting from the Guild library
Apply for scholarships for quilt-related activities and workshops
Participate in service projects making, quilting and binding quilts for those in need
Learn from other quilters and share your latest projects and creations with others
Join the Benton County Historical Society at an affiliate rate
Enjoy the fellowship of other quilters of all skill levels
JoAnne Cutler Hays Scholarship
The Marys River Quilt Guild awards scholarships each year to its members for educational purposes. Scholarship applications are reviewed by the Executive Board and decisions are made within a month.
Membership runs from January 1 through December 31
Annual dues are as follows:
Regular members, ages 0 to 80 $35
Distinguished members, age 80+ Free